Are Equal 0 calorie sweetener products kosher?
Yes, Equal 0 calorie sweetener products are certified kosher by Orthodox Union Kosher. Equal packets and Equal Spoonful are Kosher parve and Equal tablets are Kosher dairy.
Yes, Equal 0 calorie sweetener products are certified kosher by Orthodox Union Kosher. Equal packets and Equal Spoonful are Kosher parve and Equal tablets are Kosher dairy.
Equal 0 calorie sweetener products have an indefinite shelf life if stored away from heat and humidity. To ensure the highest quality product, Equal products are now produced with a “Best Buy” date stamped on the box or container.
A coupon is available for download here.
Equal is manufactured by Merisant US Inc.
Call toll-free 800-323-5316 or write to Equal Consumer Affairs, Box 1280, South Bend, IN 46624-1280.